9120 Set contains four short handled, synthetic white taklon brushes: one Round (size 6), one Fan (size 2), one Wash (5/8 in.), and one Angle (3/8 in.).
9121 Set contains four short handled synthtic camel brushes: two rounds (sizes 2 and 6) and two wash (sizes 1/4 in. and 1/2 in.).
9122 Set contains three short handled natural camel hair brushes: one round (size 6), one 5/8 in. wash, and one 1 in. wash.
9123 Set contains four short handled, synthetic golden taklon brushes: one Round (size 2), two Shaders (size 6 and size 10), and one Angle (1/2 in.).
9125 Set contains four short handled synthetic white taklon brushes: one Round (size 2), one shader (size 4), one shader (size 8), and one 3/4 in. wash.