Based on real metal pigments, Schmincke Artists’ Bronzes are formulated specifically for oil, acrylic, and watercolor painting techniques. They contain bronze or aluminum pigments, making them more vibrant and opaque than metallic effects made of pearl pigments. Available in 5 different colors: rich gold, rich pale gold, pale gold, copper and silver.
Acrylic bronzes: Ready to use acrylics. Suitable for paper, wood, metal, plastic, or gypsum. Can be diluted with water. Dry permanently.
Aqua bronzes: Work best on the following surfaces: paper, cardboard, painting board and canvas. Mix with little water on a palette before applying.
Oil bronzes: Suitable on pre-primed surfaces, wood, metal, or gypsum.Compatible only with the Schmincke bronze medium. Use a palette knife to mix 3 parts Oil-Bronze and 2 parts bronze medium before applying.