Patio Paint comes in 2 oz. and 8 oz. bottles.
I used this pain to stencil cobble stones on concrete porch and walkway four years ago. I has traffic EVERY day over and over. It still looks good, and I am as pleased with it today as when I did it. Also I used it on the side of my shed that receives all the sun and weather, without any protection. It has held up so well I cannot believe it. BRAVO, DECO ART!
I used patio paints to paint a porch swing five years ago. I painted it lots of different colors, painted flowers on it, turned out beautifully. The swing is on my front porch. It is exposed to rain, hail, sleet, snow, COLD, Texas Heat and summer sun. It still looks great. I do not have to repaint it yet! Might get another few years out of it. I am amazed that it has held up so beautifully. I also painted kitchen chairs, and more furniture in my house and on my back porch with it. It's wonderful paint. Please never stop carrying it. It's my absolute fav. It has a really nice satin finish. not too glossy, but not dull, either. Colors are rich.