Sets of 8 Standard Colors contain red, yellow, blue, orange, violet, green, brown, black with #7 brush.
Sets of 16 Standard Colors contain red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, brown, black, white, red violet, blue violet, turquoise blue, blue green, yellow green, yellow orange, red orange with a #9 brush.
Set of 8 Glitter Colors contains red, orange red, yellow, green, dark blue, purple, light blue, gold with a #5 brush.
Set of 8 Metallic Colors contains gold, light blue, pink, hot pink, orange, yellow, green, blue with a #5 brush.
Highly recommend...This is the set they use at school and she is loving it at home. The colors are much more vibrant than the usual watercolors. (Also EASY CLEANUP IS A PLUS!!)